  • 期刊


An Optimization Model of Interpretation Time Allocation Combined with SBIPA Method: A Case Study of Yehliu Geopark


近年來由於資通訊技術(Information and Communication Technology, ICT)不斷進步,非人員解說媒體(如定點式導覽機、語音導覽等)日益普及,但在建立此類媒體之解說內容時,並無相關量化模型能以系統化、科學化之方法,協助解說內容提供者針對解說時間分配進行最優化,以滿足旅客之偏好與需求,本研究嘗試結合相似度重要-表現分析法與非線性迴歸分析,以旅遊者滿意度極大化為目標,建立基於旅遊者實際偏好的解說時間分配最佳化模式,並具體提出野柳地質公園解說行程的總解說時間限制為60分鐘、75分鐘與90分鐘的13個解說項目之最佳時間分配建議。本研究蒐集了36場解說行程的503份問卷,其中有效問卷為453份,有效比率為90.1%。依據問卷所得各項解說項目的重要度及滿意度,經SBIPA分析得到共有8項解說項目落於繼續保持區、5項解說項目落於過度努力區。根據本研究建立的解說時間分配最佳化模式,配合SBIPA結果,以旅遊者滿意度極大化為目標,針對60分鐘、75分鐘與90分鐘等三種時間限制,分別求解其最佳的解說時間分配。所得的研究成果除可作為野柳地質公園建立人員/非人員解說媒體內容參考之用,亦可作為其他濱海旅遊景點建立人員/非人員解說媒體時,決定最佳解說時間分配參考之用,以期提升海洋旅遊地的海洋旅遊、環境教育與永續旅遊發展的解說效能。


Recently, with the growth of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the use of facilities of non-personal interpretation such as audio guides (fixed or mobile) has been more and more popular. However, there is no quantified model that may systematically and scientifically help the content providers of these facilities with the optimization of the time allocation of interpretation services to satisfy the need and preference of the tourists. This study attempted to combine Similarity-Based Importance-Performance Analysis (SBIPA) and nonlinear regression analysis to establish a mathematical model for solving the interpretation time allocation problem to optimize the tourists' satisfaction. The model was then applied to the optimization of the interpretation service provided by Yehliu Geopark with the total time limit of 60 minutes, 75 minutes and 90 minutes. A total of 503 questionnaires was collected from 36 guided tours, of which 453 questionnaires were valid (valid response rate= 90.1%). The result of SBIPA shows that a total of 8 interpretation items were located in the "keep up the good work" area, and a total of 5 interpretation items were located in the "Possible overkill" area. According to the optimization model of interpretation time allocation established in this study, with the goal of maximizing tourist satisfaction, the optimal interpretation time allocations were calculated for the interpretation time constraints of 60 minutes, 75 minutes and 90 minutes, respectively. The optimization results of interpretation time allocation could provide the administration of Yehliu Geopark to establish interpretation contents for interpreters and interpretation media. The proposed model in this study could also be applied to other fields, such as coastal/marine tourism, environmental education, and sustainable tourism development to improve interpretation effects.


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