  • 期刊


Deceased Superstars are Still Shining: Examining the Effects of Dead Celebrity Endorsement from the Perspectives of Time and the Relationship between Consumer Self and Communities




The use of deceased celebrities' images in advertisements is thriving as modern technologies evolve. However, few previous studies have examined the advertising effects of dead celebrity endorsement. Based on nostalgia marketing and information incongruity theory, this study identifies the time implications of advertising elements. It examines the influence of dead-celebrity nostalgia types and the period chosen for the ad's background on the effects of dead celebrity endorsement advertising. Additionally, the moderation of consumers' self-construal and need to belong is explored. The experimental results showed that: (1) using personal-nostalgia dead celebrities (i.e., the celebrity's period of popularity overlaps with the consumer's lifetime), rather than historical-nostalgia dead celebrities (i.e., the period of popularity does not overlap with the consumer's lifetime) for endorsements resulted in better product attitudes and purchase intentions, especially for consumers with independent self-construal or a high need to belong; (2) placing the celebrity's picture in modern backgrounds rather than in backgrounds from the past generated more favorable product attitudes; and (3) regarding the interaction of dead celebrity types and ad background periods, pairing personal nostalgia dead celebrities with the modern background led to better advertising effects than did other combinations. The results contribute to the theories and practice of dead celebrity endorsement and nostalgia marketing.


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