  • 期刊


Base Rates for Verbal-Performance Discrepancies Based on the Taiwan WISC-Ⅲ Standardization



在心理教育臨床工作中,全量表智商分數(IQ)是施測者對受試兒童全面認知功能評估之良好參照;然而在後續假設驗證之診斷過程中,瞭解受試認知能力之「內在差異」(Intra-individual Difference)卻能提供進一步之訊息。在各類認知能力中,語文(Verbal)與作業(Performance)能力傳統以來便深受學界重視,二者之差異被視爲具臨床意義之指標,過大差異往往表示有進一步詳查之必要。本研究分析魏氏兒童智力量表第三版(WISC-Ⅲ)台灣標準化常模1,100位6至16歲兒童之WISC-Ⅲ分數,探討語文-作業能力差異與全量表智商之相關性。研究發現二者有顯著關聯:高智商組之語文能力平均顯著高於作業能力平均;而低智商組之作業能力平均則顯著高於語文能力平均;同時,智商在平均數以上各組,出現較大語文-作業能力差異之比例較智商在平均數以下各組爲高。研究結果指出在探討語文與作業能力差異時,全量表智商爲必須考量之重要變數。鑒於國內缺乏一般兒童語文及作業能力差異表現的基本率(Base rate)供臨床工作者比對使用,本文依全量表智商高低分別呈現兩種WISC-Ⅲ語文與作業能力差異基本率常模,一爲語文智商(Verbal IQ)與作業智商(Peroformance IQ)之差異;另一則爲語文理解因素指數(Verbal Comprehension Index,VCI)與知覺組織因素指數(Perceptual Organization Index,POI)之差異,以期達到最大之效用。


Traditional Full-scaled IQ (IQ) in the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, third edition (WISC-Ⅲ) is a good index in understanding examinee's cognitive ability, however, investigating the intra-individual differences helps on the hypothesis-confirmation process during follow-up diagnostic session. Verbal-Performance discrepancies were examined for the Taiwan WISC-Ⅲstandardization sample of 1,100 children age ranged from 6 to 16. The occurrence of reliable discrepancies was related meanigfully to IQ level. Also presented were two groups of base rate tables (Verbal IQ-Performance IQ difference and Verbal Comprehension Index-Perceptual Organization Index difference). Examination for diversity between IQ levels was provided and discussed. Major findings were: (1) Groups with higher IQ shows a significant V>P tendency, while groups with lower IQ shows an opposite V<P trend; (2) Higher IQ groups show some what more occurrences of a larger V>P then they did the reverse, on the country, lower IQ groups show more occurrences of a larger P>V then they did the reverse; and (3) Proportion of individuals with large V-P discrepancies increases progressively with each increase in IQ level. Meanings and implications of these above findings were also discussed.
