  • 期刊


PDA Application in Nonwoven Sector Electronic Commerce System Reference and Configuring it Study



近年來電子商務的盛行是由於網際網路的崛起,帶動了全球電子商務的風潮。也由於個人電腦的普遍,也使得電子商務變得更易於一般人所接受,不過由於PDA的出現,使得瀏覽網際網路,有了更方便更簡單的工具。雖然目前電子商務,在全球已經是相當盛行的一種交易方式,不過在傳統的不織布產業中,跨入電子商務的廠商並不多。主要原因是在於大部分的企業主對於接觸電腦的時間並不長,利用個人電腦進行電子商務還是有些困難在。因 此本研究將以PDA做為線上交易的瀏覽工具,並配合本研究之線上交易系統,探討出一套可行並且易於使用的線上交易系統之參考架構,藉此來提高不織布產業企業主跨入電子商務之意願。


In recent years electronic commerce of spread widely is because of Internet of rising, took to move the trend of world electronic commerce. Also because of PC of widespread, make the electronic commerce also to become the much easier than ordinary people acceptance, however because of the emergence of PDA, make to view the Internet, have the more convenient and more simple tool. Though current electronic commerce, is already relatively at the world to go current one type of bargain method, however at tradition of Nonwoven industry inside, across into the manufacturer of electronic commerce and not much. The main reason is to consist in the big sectional business enterprise lord as to in contact with the time of computer do not long, big sectional business enterprise lord asto in contact with the time of computer do not long, make use of the PC proceeding the electronic commerce still is a some difficulty at. For this reason this research will be used asthe view tool of on-line bargain with the PDA, and match with the on-line bargain system of this research, study out a can the reference of line and user friendly on-line bargain system structure, by this to increase Nonwoven sector business enterprise lord across into the will of electronic commerce.
