  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Processing Evaluation of Wood from Man-made Forests-Peeling of China Fir Logs



人工林之適度開發,可促進林木生長,同時提供可更新之木材料資源,木材一直扮演生活中重要角色,提高生活品質,並對環境衝擊低。 為兼顧新林業政策之執行與木材市場之需求,必需緊密結合可作業之造林木材資源與林產工業之加工利用。本報告即針對省產造林木之加工利用提出建議,文中並不包括加工利用技術外之林業經營困難問題研討。 常見造林木之特質為徑小,多節與高比例之未成熟材含量,這些更導致產品低利用率與品質之困難,若引用新機具進行原木旋切加工,可使得前述之原料形體與材質問題可以獲得解決,主要在於減少低材質對品質之影響,尤可不因徑小而大幅提高其利用率,本試驗應用大約25公分直徑之省產杉木原木,進行生產線作業測試,提供所得資料,以供參考。


Proper thinning and related managerial practices in man-made forests will improve the growth of plantation trees and, at the same time, yield renewable wood-material resources. Wood has been and will continue to play an important role in our daily lives. The use of wood enhances the quality of human life but has very little adverse impact on the environment. In consideration of both the implementation of the new forest policy and the demand of the timber market in Taiwan, it is necessary to closely connect the harvestable timber resources from man-made forest lands to the wood utilization industry. This report focuses on the processing of domestic wood from man-made forests and suggests its potential. A discussion of the difficult problems resulting from forest management are, however, not included. The wood harvested from man-made forests is commonly small in log diameter, knotty, and high in juvenile wood proportion. These and the other associated factors result in much difficulty with low production yield and product quality. If introduced advanced new machinery can be used to peel the logs for veneer products, the aforementioned problems of size, form and quality of the log can be overcome. This is partly because of the ability to minimize the effects of low-quality wood. On the other hand, and most importantly, the yield recovery can be improved enormously regardless of the small log diameter. The study results obtained from using domestic China fir logs with an approximate average of 25cm in diameter for peeling in the production line of a plywood plant are presented.


Plantation wood China fir wood processing wood veneer log peeling


