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Silviculture of Bamboo Seedlings-Dendrocalamus latiflorus



以培育竹類之新生世代及保存開花母竹之遺傳基因為目的,自1954年起採集竹類種子。進行種子苗之培育工作。本報告係以自1984年起至1991年止採種,培育所得之麻竹種子苗為材料進行造林試驗,調查其生長之結果。試驗地設二處,均於蓮華池分所轄區內。第1區調查資料為4年,第2區調查資料為3年,其結果可摘要如下: 1.各單株/分株於各年度所萌發新竹之支數、生長(基徑及竹高)變異甚大,採集年次較早之單株/分株之生長未必優於年次較晚單株/分株之生長,此乃各年次採種之母株及採集地點多有不同所致。易言之,可能屬於遺傳變異。 2.有些單株/分株並非每年均萌發新竹,未萌發新竹之單株/分株在第1試區者多於第2試區者,第2試區每單株所萌發新竹之平均數大於第l試區者,可能為各單株/分株本身之生長特性及生育地條件不同所致。 3.有些單株/分株生長表現之優劣、產量之多寡等,在不同調查年度間似有穩定之趨勢,顯示據此特性以選拔優良品系之可行性。 4.以麻竹種子苗進行造林試驗者,尚以本報告為首次。由於資料取得期間甚短,對於今後之生長趨勢,應繼續加以觀察探討。


竹類 種子苗 造林試驗 麻竹


In order to cultivate new generations and preserve genetic resources of bamboo species, we first collected seeds from flowering individuals for raising seedlings in 1984. Seedlings of Dendrocalamus latiflorus (Ma bamboo) raised between 1984 and 1991 were outplanted for observation of growth performance. Two test plantations were established at the Lienhwachih Branch of the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute. Eighty-three seedlings/off-shoots propagated between 1984 and 1986 were outplanted in 1989. The 2nd plantation containing seedlings (no off-shoots) raised between 1987 and 1991 was established in 1991. The results of seedling/off-shoot growth performance investigated from the 1st plantation at 4 old and from the 2nd plantation at 3 old are summarized as follows: l. Great variation was found in basal diameter, culm height, and number of new culms. The growth performances of seedlings/offhsoots propagated in earlier years were not definitely superior to those propagated in later years. The reason for this is genetic variation; that is seeds were collected in the same year but from various individuals grown in different sites. 2. Some seedlings/offshoots did not produce new culms every year. The number of seedlings/offshoots which did not produce new culms was greater in the 1st plantation than in the 2nd plantation. On average, the 2nd plantation produced more new culms than the 1st plantation. These findings may be a result of different growth characteristics among seedlings/offshoots and different site conditions between the 2 plantations. 3. Some seedlings/offshoots showed a fairly stable tendency in growth rate and new culm productivity during several years of investigation. This reveals that the selection of superior clones in Dendrocalamus latiflorus is feasible by using these characteristics as criteria. 4. This is the 1st report dealing with silvicultural experiments with Ma bamboo seedlings. Obviously, changes in growth performance of seedlings/off-shoots must he investigated yearly.


