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Growing Stock and Growth Estimation of Taiwania Plantations in the Liukuei Area



台灣杉是台灣省林業試驗所六龜試驗林最重要的造林樹種,本研究於其600公頃造林地內設置臨時樣區調查其樹高、胸徑及株數等生長與環境資料,估算各齡級蓄積量及生長量,以提供森林經營決策之參考。台灣杉人工林10-14年生林分有173.6公頃,佔28.5%,每公頃蓄積量為67.1m^3/ha,15-19年生林分有170.7公頃,佔28.0%,每公頃蓄積量為155.5m^3/ha,20-24年生林分有之264.6公頃,佔43.5%,每公頃蓄積量為282.8m^3/ha,總蓄積量為113,022m^3,每公頃總平均蓄積量為185.6m^3/ha。材積較好的多半集中在北部高海拔1200m~1700m地區,而中低海拔820m至1200m地區生長並不好。本研究所調查100個臨時樣區生長資料其栽植密度均為2500株/ha,經分析發現,高海拔林齡大的地區枯死率很低,反之則高,此等資料顯示無法將全調查樣區視為均質的齡級延續,以為預測未來株數變化。因此今將全林分分12,17,22等三齡級,應用陳麗琴等(1996)所研究之六龜地區台灣杉栽植密度永久樣區單位株數預測模式及單株材積與林齡之關係式,估算各齡級五年後蓄積量,進而總計全林分五年後蓄積量,五年後蓄積量為150.930m^3,五年生長量為37.908m^3,連年生長量為12.5m^3/ha,年生長率為5.8%,在林分10-24年生間,齡級愈大年生長量愈大,並應用機率模式(stochastic model)的觀念,以株數變異係數及常態機率分佈估算出各齡級五年後林分材積級生長潛能。


台灣杉 蓄積量 生長量 機率模式


Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioides) is one of the most important native conifers for planting. It occupies 600 ha of the total 1,560 ha plantation area in the Liukuei Experimental Forest. In order to provide a reference base for making forest management decisions, we need to know the levels of stock and growth by age class. A systematic sampling scheme was carried out to measure the average height, dbh, and tree density for each of the 100 temporary plots. The environmental factors were also recorded. Each plot was 0.5 ha in size. Results show that the total stand volume of all plantations was 113,021m^3, and their average volume was 185.6m^3/ha. When we divided the total stock into 3 classes, age-class 12 (10-14 y old) stands occupied 173.6 ha, or, 28.5% of the total Taiwania plantation area. The average stand volume was 67.1m^3/ha. Age-class 17 (15-19y old) and 22 (20-24y old) stands occupied 170.6 ha and 264.6 ha, and stand volume averaged 155.5m^3/ha and 264.6m^3/ha, respectively. Growing stock was better in the northern part of the Liukuei area. The higher elevation here may provide better environment for the growth of Taiwania. Mortality was low in the high elevations among older stands, while high mortality was found mainly at low elevations among younger stands. Hence, tree density correlated positively with age. Because the correlation contradicts the general principle of pure plantation stand development, the 3 age classes were treated separately in the growth prediction model. Results of the 5 y prediction show that the total volume will increase to 150,930m^3, the average CAI (Cummulative Annual Increment) to 12.5m^3/ha, and annual growth rate to 5.8%. We also tabulated the area of different volume classes by using the variance coefficient of tree density and normal probability density distribution function.


