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Assessing Prediction Effects among Height-Diameter Models with Varied Structures for a Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata) Plantation


樹高曲線式(height-diameter(H-D)model)係採用胸高直徑(diameter at breast height(DBH))推估樹高(tree height(H))的重要工具,然而H之模擬效果會隨著H-D model的結構而改變。本研究旨在探討模式結構對H-D model模擬表現之影響。研究區域位於臺灣中部地區惠蓀林場之臺灣杉(Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata)人工林林分,共獲104株具DBH與H之單木資料。本研究採用不同種模式型態之H-D model進行建模,採用residual sum of squares(RSS)、root mean square error(RMSE)、Akaike information criterion(AIC)及relative rank(R-rank)等指標評估模式。並以成對樣本t-test(paired sample t-test)及二因子變異數分析(two-way analysis of variance(ANOVA))分析模式模擬之效果。結果顯示,在所有模式中H = a+ bD + cD^2 + d log D表現最佳。而非線性模式方面,約束模式通過原點可提升模擬效果;然而在線性模式方面,3及4參數模式模擬結果較2參數為佳。比較2種模式型態在參數間的模擬效果,非線性模式在2參數結果較佳,而在3及4參數則與線性模式效果相同。


The height-diameter (H-D) model is an important tool for predicting tree height (H) based on the diameter at breast height (DBH). However, the performance of the H-D model varies with the model structure. The purpose of this study was to examine the performances of H-D models with various model structures. The research site was located in central Taiwan. Data were collected from a Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata) plantation at the Huisun Forest Station, and in total, the DBH and H of 104 individual trees were obtained. We adopted various H-D models with different structures to establish the models. The residual sum of squares (RSS), root mean square error (RMSE), Akaike information criterion (AIC), and relative ranking (R-rank) performance criteria were employed as criteria. A paired sample t-test and two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to assess model performances. Results showed that H = a + bD + cD^2 + d log D stood out among all models. Nonlinear models had better performances when they were constrained to pass through the origin. In linear models, the performances of 3- and 4-parameter models were better than those of 2-parameter models. In a comparison of the number of parameters between models, nonlinear models performed better than linear models at the 2-parameter level due to large biases in the linear models.
