  • 期刊


The National Library's Efforts to Provide Digital Humanities Services: An Example of "Taiwans Memory" System




NCL has a rich collection of Taiwanese historical documents and materials, such as postcards made in Taiwan during the Japanese Occupation Period, old photos of different areas, old books, local historical records, ancient contracts, genealogy books, stone tablets and rubbings, etc. To properly preserve Taiwan's historical memory in accordance with digital development, NCL established the "Taiwan Memory" system. By establishing the system, NCL has created a digital collection of the historical documents of Taiwan enabling it to analyze and establish interpretative information of the digital materials and thereby fulfill the purpose of sharing and using library resources. In addition, NCL plans to strengthen its coordination with local governmental institutions and private cultural and historical organizations of different counties and cities to further enhance relevant resources that located in different places so that it can promote reading and researching Taiwan's historical materials in different areas in Taiwan and abroad through the easy accessibility of the internet.


國家圖書館(2014)。2014 台北國際書展「寄給時間的漂流記」明信片展記者會。檢自https://www.ncl.edu.tw/information_236_3089.html
國家 圖書 館(2016a)。 通用 型古 籍數 位人 文研 究平 台。 檢自 http://ming.ncl.edu.tw/?locale=zh-TW
國家圖書館(2016b)。重現台灣記憶老照片,國家圖書館與美國加州柏克萊大學攜手合作。檢自 https://www.ncl.edu.tw/information_236_6875.html
國家圖書館(2018a)。關於本網站。檢自臺灣記憶 https://tm.ncl.edu.tw/about?lang=chn
