  • 期刊


The Research for Constraint Factors of the Job Seekers in the Job-Seeking Period


本研究收集求職者訪談記錄樣本553件,運用內容分析法與重要事件技術(CIT)之研究方法,歸納出求職者的14 項限制因素。其中與相關失業研究與實證研究文獻所相類似的因素,有「興趣」、「價值觀」、「健康」、「年齡」、「動機」、「家庭」、「人際能力」、「經濟壓力」等,但本研究也發現具體且有差異的限制因素為:「自我設限」、「學與用失調」、「職場資訊不足」、「目標抉擇的兩難」、「求職技巧不足」、「自信心不足」等六個限制因素,本研究對求職者於求職期間所面臨的困難有較完整的敘述,以作為就業輔導相關單位訂定政策之參考,是為本研究之貢獻。 本研究顯示在求職者的限制因素中,在性別方面,男性除了在「年齡限制」高於女性外,其餘的限制因素,女性皆高於男性,尤其在「求職技巧不足」、「家庭因素」與「自我設限」等因素的差距較大達42%-45%。在職涯階段方面,「年齡限制」「健康限制」、「自我設限」、「職業價值觀失調」、「背負經濟壓力」等因素中「轉換期」的求職者高於「介入期」的求職者,而有關「職場資訊不足」、「目標抉擇的兩難」、「興趣探索未定」等因素,則「介入期」的求職者高於「轉換期」的求職者。


求職者 求職期間 限制因素


This study collected 553samples of job seeker's interview. The method of this article is content analysis and critical incident technique (CIT). The final conclusion refers to 14 constraint factors of job seekers. Some factors such as ”interest”, ”value”, ”health”, ”age”, ”motive”, ”family”, ”human skills”, ”economic pressure”… etc, which were presented from literatures. The study found that there are another 6 constraint factors: ”self-handicapping”, ”dissonance of study and apply”, ”deficient in workplace information”, ”dilemma of target decision”, ”deficient in job-seeking skills”, ”deficient in confidence”. Related employment service agents could have more completely views of making policies. In sexual category, one of the constraint factors of job seekers, the researcher pointed that almost male's constraint factors are lower than female's constraint factors, expect age constraint factor. There are some difference factors of ”deficient in job-seeking skills”, ”family factor” and ”self-handicapping” from 42% to 45% range. At the stage of career, the researcher found that ”conversion period” is higher than ”intermediate period”, at the factors of ”age constraint”, ”health constraint”, ”self-handicapping”, ”dissonance of career's value”, ”shoulder economic pressure”. However ”intermediate period” is higher than ”conversion period”, at the factors of ”deficient in workplace information”, ”dilemma of target decision” and ”exploring interest uncertainly”.


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