  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience of Caring a Terminal Liver Cancer Patient




This article described the experience of caring an end-stage liver cancer patient who was informed with one-month life expectancy by his physician. During the nursing period between April 30th, 2018 and June 1st, 2018, data were collected through observation, interviews, attentive listening, physical evaluations, and medical record reviews, using Gordon's functional health pattern tool. Data were analyzed to conclude that the patient had pain, hopelessness, and anticipatory grief. The initiative was taken to provide the patient with active care with attentive listening to establish a healthy patient relationship. The patient was guided to express his inner feelings. In addition, the patient was offered comfort through repositioning, music therapy, aromatherapy, and acupressure. These all helped improve the patient's pain. The staff collaborated with the patient and family to hold a family meeting to inform the state of illness. With the intervention and family support, the patient was assisted in coping with changes of life while reducing hopelessness, completing the four principles of life and fulfilling their heart and soul's need. This helped the patient and family members properly prepare for the patient's death and find peace and calm in regards to life and death. It is hoped that this nursing care experience will provide a reference for future clinical care of similar patients.


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