  • 期刊


Concept Analysis of Pregnancy Stress


懷孕過程孕婦需面臨許多生理及心理上的改變,當孕婦面臨與懷孕相關的事件,察覺在此事件下非自己能力所及,而出現行為或生理上的緊張不安狀態,此現象稱為孕期壓力,是孕婦普遍會經歷的感受。當孕期壓力過大時,會對母嬰的身心產生深遠的影響。筆者透過文獻查證發現近期文獻對此缺乏定義及系統性的概念分析,故本文將依Walker and Avant(2018)之概念分析方法。統整相關文獻進行孕期壓力之概念分析,藉此闡述其定義性特徵,透過列舉典型案例、邊緣案例、相關案例、相反案例,以釐清概念、確認孕期壓力發生之前因與後果,並檢視相關實證資料。本文期提醒臨床照護者,可透過評估工具及早發現壓力程度較高的孕婦,儘早提供照護措施以降低孕期壓力,進而改善孕婦與胎兒的健康,提升周產期照護品質。


孕期 壓力 概念分析


During pregnancy, women face multiple physiological and psychological changes that induce numerous types of stress, the source of which is called pregnancy stress. Commonly experienced by pregnant women, pregnancy stress is caused by pregnancy-related events, in which the women experience a sense of hopelessness and thereby enter a state of behavioral or physiological unease. When pregnancy stress becomes overwhelming, it causes profound physiological and psychological effects on both the fetus and mother. The author of this study conducted a literature review and noticed that recent papers lack a clear definition for pregnancy stress and rarely present systematic concept analysis. Therefore, this study referenced the approach proposed by Walker and Avant (2018) and compiled relevant literature to perform concept analysis on pregnancy stress, thereby clarifying its definition and characteristics. By listing typical cases, edge cases, relevant cases, and opposite cases, this study aimed to clarify the concept of pregnancy stress, in addition to identifying the causes and effects of pregnancy stress and inspecting relevant empirical data. The study results can serve a reminder for clinical caregivers to use assessment tools to identify pregnant women with severe pregnancy stress in advance. This facilitates improvement to the health of pregnant women and their fetuses and enhances the care quality during pregnancy.


pregnancy stress concept analysis


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