  • 期刊


To Improve the Accuracy of Terminal Disinfection for General Ward Environment




The cleanliness of the medical environment is a key to safe patient care. To prevent from health care-associated infections, one of the most effective measures is to assure proper environmental cleanliness in medical facilities. To improve the cleanliness of the general wards, a joint task force composed of the Department of Nursing and a multidisciplinary team (Including the Environmental Management Department, the Infection Control Division, and the janitorial services) was established for a specific project from June 19 to September 26, 2019, focusing on two main issues. First, the lack of knowledge about infection control and correct cleaning and disinfection procedures required in medical facilities among hospital janitors. Second, incorrect use of cleaning tools, inappropriate wiping process and/or sequence, and inaccurate bleach preparation. Systematic improvement measures were conducted to achieve a standardized and consistent operation for hospital janitors, and therefore to be in line with requirements for infection control. These include revising infection control protocols, developing procedures and inspections for hospital cleaning and disinfection, creating a colored categorization system for janitorial tools, placing janitorial note cards, organizing educational training programs, and filming videos regarding terminal disinfection in general wards. The level of fluorescence marker, also known as the accuracy endpoint, was used for the detection of residual cells or soiling surfaces. After intervention, the effectiveness of environmental cleanliness in our general ward increased from 54.1% to 86.7%, while the accuracy of terminal disinfection improved from 41.2% to 92.6%. Due to the implementation of effective cleaning and disinfection measures and the inclusion of standardized janitorial procedures as routine operations, our project successfully establishes a safer health care in general wards.


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