  • 期刊


Towards a Theory of Transitional Justice: A Value Pluralistic Approach


自從二十世紀晚期許多政權相繼民主化之後,如何處理前朝政府系統性虐待人權等罪行的加害者與受害者,一直是這些國家的嚴峻挑戰,而「轉型正義」一詞乃泛指這些新興民主國家面對該挑戰時所採取的各種措施。今日,有關轉型正義的文獻已汗牛充棟,然而,絕大多數的學者卻都採取經驗實証路徑來進行研究,規避該議題的規範性層面,所以至今仍然缺乏一個宏觀的連貫論述,告訴我們轉型正義所欲矯正的歷史不義究竟錯在哪裡,同時指出我們今日應該如何妥善處理這種歷史遺緒。 本文試圖從以賽亞•柏林的價值多元論推導出一個轉型正義的規範性理論雛型。該理論建立在柏林所倡導的悲劇性政治觀點之上,一方面將轉型正義所涉及的歷史不義理解為悲劇性的價值衝突,另一方面指出今日的挑戰也是一種價值衝突,必須同時正視加害者與受害者雙方的真實經驗,才能避免類似的歷史悲劇重演。本文也希望藉由此一理論雛型,嘗試證明政治哲學對公共事務的可能貢獻。


Transitional justice pertains to the challenge of reckoning with legacies of widespread or systematic abuses of human rights committed by agents of predecessor regimes. It has become a troubling political issue after a spectacular series of regime transitions in the late twentieth century, and the phrase 'transitional justice' today generally refers to a range of measures that new democracies implement to address the issue. There is a vast literature on the subject of transitional justice. However, the majority of research adopts the empirical approach and deliberately eschews the normative issues, and therefore questions concerning the nature of the wrongs that measures of transitional justice are meant to rectify as well as which measures we should adopt in order to adequately address this issue are not answered satisfactorily. In response to this absence of a coherent theory that can address both the past injustice and today's needs to justify the pursuit of transitional justice, this article attempts to outline a normative theory of this kind by way of an interpretation of Isaiah Berlin's value pluralism at the core of which is a tragic vision of politics. This theory understands the historical wrongs as a case of tragic value conflict and argues that if the same mistakes were to be avoided in today's pursuit of transitional justice, we should take seriously the tragic experiences of both the alleged perpetrators and the victims. This value pluralistic theory of transitional justice is of significance to issues like civic education, the implementation of the rule of law and the re-writing of history in the newly-democratized societies. Furthermore, through this attempt this article also hopes to demonstrate that political philosophy is of valuable use to public affairs.


Allen, Jonathan.,George Crowder(eds.),Henry Hardy(2007).The One and the Many: Reading Isaiah Berlin.Amherst, NY:Prometheus Books.
Amstutz, Mark R.(2005).The Healing of Nations.Oxford, England:Rowan & Littlefield.
Berlin, Isaiah.(1969).Four Essays on Liberty.Oxford, England:Oxford University Press.
Berlin, Isaiah.(1991).The Crooked Timber of Humanity.London, England:Fontana Press.


吳哲良(2013)。重訪神學與主權的寬恕: 觸動寬恕的難能之能〔博士論文,國立交通大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2013.00613
