  • 期刊


A Discussion on the Establishment of Two-Year Technological Programs in Taiwan's Comprehensive Universities: Policy and Implementation


一般大學附設二年制技術學系,是繼大學開辦教育學程以來,另一波高等教育的組織擴張,本文從組織生態理論探討這個政策形成的過程及其影響。本研究分成三個部分:首先討論大學開辦二技的歷史成因,以及相關法令的制可過程。其次以官方資料呈現此政策實施十年來,各類型學校的辦理狀況。最後,本文對全國陸的調查資料進行實證分析,以探討一般大學創設二技是否對技職院校產生衝擊。 本研究以「台灣高等教育資料庫」大三資料進行量化分析,並輔以質化深入訪談。本文發現一般大學附設二技以私立、學院為主,資源豐富的國立大學反而較不積極,與專科改制技術學院、大學創立教育學程呈現不同的組織擴充型態;不但偏離了原先「提昇技職教育品質」的政策目標,也對技術學院與科技大學造成排擠效應。本文最後亦提出政策建議,以供技職政策制訂者參考。


After the founding of the teacher education programs, the establishment of two-year technological programs in comprehensive universities (TPU) is the second wave of organizational expansion in Taiwan's higher education. The author addresses the process of the TPU's policy formation from the perspectives of organizational ecology in present article. Three main themes were discussed. Firstly, historical context of TPU formation and the enactment of correlated statutes were examined. Secondly, according to government statistics, the TPU expansion since 1996 was described. Finally, using data from a nationwide survey, we examine whether establishing TPU in comprehensive universities has any impacts on the technological and vocational education (TVE) which is composed of institutes of technology and universities of science and technology. Quantitative data provided by Taiwan Higher Education Data System and in-depth qualitative interviews were analyzed. It was found that private institutes/universities were much more active in setting up TPUs than in public universities. Comparing with ”upgrading junior college” and ”establishing teacher education programs”, the TPU expansion showed a very different pattern. The results showed that the whole process has deviated from the policy's original purpose: enhancing the quality of TVE system. Furthermore, the TPU expansion attracted numerous students to get admitted into comprehensive universities and consequently resulted in a squeeze effect on the admission rates of institutes of technology as well as universities of science and technology. Suggestions were provided for policy makers' reference.


Aldrich, H.E.(1979).Organizations and environments.Englewood Cliff, NJ:Printice-Hall.


