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From "Thrifty burial" to "Shyuan-burial": The Development of the concept "decaying and returning to the innocence in a corpse" in Wei-Jin Dynasties' Zhuangzi study




速朽歸真 終制 薄葬 玄葬 魏晉莊學


Lavish funerals were a fashion between the nobility and royalty in the ancient China. While during the Wei-Jin Dynasties, the manners of funerals were simplified. Scholars who were studying on the culture of natural burial in the previous, focused the historical and external factors, which could not relate to the metaphysical idea and vogue in the Wei-Jin Dynasties. Thus, the life awareness of natural burial in Wei-Jin Dynasties was unable to be highlighted. This article first focuses on Zhuangzi's viewpoint of returning to the innocence by explaining the concept of innocence. Then, this article traces and explains the natural burials of Yang Wang-Sun, Mu-Bing and Huangpu Mi and clarifies the differences between two custom of natural burials which is with innocence as principal(以真為歸) and the other one is with resources as the consideration(以利為求), which are often confused in the previous studies. This article further examine the meaning of returning to the innocence and its relationship with the metaphysical vogue. Through the correspondent articles wrote by Wei-Jin scholars, this paper finds the self-consciousness of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove. They acted dispiritedly with the disheveled appearance and sought the life metamorphosis, then to achieve the goal of being free and unfettered in the metaphysical realm. The Meaning Elaboration of innocence is the vital part of Zhuangzi's ideological system, thus, this paper examines such transformation in Wei-Jin period so as to be a contribution in the study of Zhuangzi in Wei-Jin period.


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