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Costs and Benefits Analysis of Autonomous Bus Using Reinforcement Learning Dispatching




More than 70 cities are having trials on autonomous buses in the past five years. With the advances in driverless technology, autonomous buses are able to eliminate crew cost and reduce traffic accidents hence allow to potentially revolutionize existing public transportation systems. A key determinant of autonomous buses viability is the competitiveness of their cost structures. Considering autonomous buses are naturally decentralized and self-governing intelligent agents, there have different operation model and cost structure than traditional bus system. This paper therefore proposes a cost function of autonomous bus based on a reinforcement learning dispatching method for autonomous bus operation. The total cost of autonomous bus, which is the sum of operating, waiting, riding cost in a line loop route were captured by using a dynamic public transportation assignment and operation simulation. The results show that autonomous buses with artificial intelligence dispatching has obvious cost-effectiveness compared with existing scheduled bus system while at the circumstance of optimizing social cost.


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