  • 期刊

Detection of Lysyl Oxidase in Phenytoin-Induced Gingival Overgrowth



離胺酸氧化酶是一種對銅有依賴性的酵素。此種酵素會與催化細胞外膠原和彈力蛋白之成熟,並對其自體彼此間之交叉鍵結有重大的促成影響。目前對於因藥物所誘發的牙齦增生和此酵素之間的關係並不明瞭。依據過去之研究顯示Phenytoin(PHT)這種藥物能直接刺激離胺酸氧化酶的產生並且增加和促使不易溶解的膠原蛋白堆積。因爲發炎反應和使用PHT藥物會改變細胞間各種酵素的濃度從而改變細胞外間質的產生。因此本實驗想以免疫細胞學觀點,探討在PHT藥物影響下,觀察離胺酸氧化酶在組織細胞上是否有變化。 本實驗是一項光發實驗。共搜集了9個樣本(包括:三個非PHT相關之發炎組織,三個非PHT相關之非發炎組織,及二個與PHT相關之牙齦增生組織,一個與PHT相關之非牙齦增生組織),組織取樣的標準和程序是依據學術上共識的方式和原則進行。實驗結果中發現與PHT相關之牙齦增生組,其離胺酸氧化酶呈現陽性反應者比對照組織及控制組組織有明顯的差異。同時我們也發現發炎反應對離胺酸氧化酶並無直接的調控作用,但是PHT使用者之樣本中。發炎反應對於其離胺酸氧化酶的增加則扮演著某種重要的角色。但仍須要更進一步實驗來證實該理論。


Lysyl oxidase, a copper-dependent enzyme, catalyzes critically the extracellular crosslinkage of collagen and elastin. The relationship between drug-induced gingival overgrowth and lysyl oxidase is not well understood. The fibrogenic drugs, phenytoin (PHT) may directly stimulate lysyl oxidase production and cause increased insoluble collagen accumulation. Alternatively, altered cytokine levels caused by inflammation and PHT may regulate extracellular matrix production. The goal of this research was to determine the lysyl oxidase levels in tissue samples from patients suffering PHT-induced gingival overgrowth by immunohistochemistry. Gingival connective tissues were obtained from the patients who received surgical procedures in periodontal clinics. Then, these samples were operated according to the standard immunohistochemical protocol. The nine collected samples (three non-PHT related/inflamed samples, three non-PHT related/non-inflamed samples, one PHT related/inflamed non-overgrowth sample, and two PHT-related/inflamed overgrowth tissues) showed significantly increased numbers of lysyl oxidase positive cells in gingival tissues from PHT-related subjects compared to those tissues from control subjects with similar levels of inflammation. In addition, the findings of these observations also suggested that the inflammation of the gingival connective tissues itself may not directly up-regulate lysyl oxidase level, though, inflammation may play an important role in the increasing of lysyl oxidase levels in PHT-related subjects.


Phenytoin Gingival-Overgrowth Lysyl Oxidase
