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The Diagnosis and Treatment of Plasma Cell Gingivitis Featured in Desquamative Gingivitis-A Case Report


脫屑性牙齦炎為許多疾病的口內表徵之一,意指在牙齦上出現火紅色之強烈紅斑、表皮有脫屑、腐蝕、失去彩斑(loss of stippling)、出現水泡及潰瘍……等現象,當牙醫師在病患口內發現這種病徵的時候需要加以鑑別診斷。除了口內、口外的詳細檢查以外,最終確定診斷的方式以病理組織切片為主。當確診之後,除了幫病患轉介至相關科別以外,口內的病灶主要以局部性或是系統性的類固醇以及免疫抑制劑做為治療的方式。漿細胞性牙齦炎為一罕見的良性牙齦病變。病理組織學上的病徵如其名,可見大量的漿細胞浸潤在固有層中的結締組織內。其臨床表徵主要即為典型的脫屑性牙齦炎,容易侵犯上頷前半部頰側面的牙齦,且其病徵常常會延伸到黏膜牙齦接合處,形成一清楚的界線。病灶以局部性或是系統性的類固醇以及免疫抑制劑做為主要之治療方式。


Desquamative gingivitis is a clinical manifestation of several disorders, featured in fiery red smooth erythema, atrophic or eroded looking, loss of stippling, desquamating easily, blistering and ulceration. When dentists find these symptoms and signs, differential diagnosis should be done to find out the definite diagnosis. Besides intraoral and extraoral examination, incisional biopsy is needed to confirm the diagnosis. The patients would be referred to other specialists, such as dermatologists, ophthalmologists and gynecologists for further evaluation and management. Desquamative gingivitis is treated by topical or systemic corticosteroids. Immunosuppressant may be necessary.Plasma cell gingivitis is a rare, benign condition of gingiva. It is named because of the presence of an abundant plasma cell infiltration within the connective tissues. Its clinical characteristic is desquamative gingivitis, and it usually involves the maxillary anterior buccal gingiva. The affected area is often found extending to the mucogingival junction. Plasma cell gingivitis is treated by topical or systemic corticosteroids. Immunosuppressant may be necessary.


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