  • 期刊


Dental Stem Cells from Human Adults-Dental Pulp, Periodontal Ligament and Gingival Stem Cells: Literature Review


幹細胞(stem cells)的研究在近年來有十分蓬勃的發展,從再生醫學到癌症治療的範疇都有相關的應用。而牙科的幹細胞則是從2000年牙髓幹細胞被分離出之後,開始有大量的研究陸續被發表出來。目前已知的牙科幹細胞除了牙髓幹細胞外,尚有牙周韌帶幹細胞、牙齦幹細胞以及分別從脫落的乳齒(stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth, SHED)、牙囊(dental follicle)和根尖乳頭(apical papilla)等組織所分離出之幹細胞。以一般成年人而言,又以前三者為較普遍可取得之幹細胞來源。因而以下的文獻回顧,便以牙髓、牙周韌帶及牙齦幹細胞為主,就其分離、特性及臨床應用之相關研究做一簡要的整理。


幹細胞 牙髓 牙周韌帶 牙齦 再生醫學


There has been great achievement in experiments focused on stem cells these years, including issues such as the application of the stem cells in regenerative medicine or the cancer therapy. Since dental pulp stem cells were isolated successfully in year 2000, topics about the dental stem cells have caught much attention. In addition to the dental pulp stem cells, periodontal ligament stem cells, gingival stem cells, stem cells from exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) and apical papilla were also isolated. Dental stem cells could be obtained more easily in daily practice. The purpose of the present literature review was to discuss the isolation, characteristics and the clinical application of these stem cells.


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Fischbach GD, Fischbach RL. Stem cells: science, policy, and ethics. J Clin Invest, 114:1364-1370, 2004.
Rando TA. Stem cells, ageing and the quest for immortality. Nature, 441:1080-1086, 2006.
Silverio KG, Benatti BB, Casati MZ, Sallum EA, Nociti FH Jr. Stem cells: potential therapeutics for periodontal regeneration. Stem Cell Rev, 4:13-19, 2008.
