



青少年 疫苗


With the advance of vaccine technologies and evolution of epidemiology, vaccination is no longer exclusively used for infants or children. Adolescents need their own vaccinations as well. First of all, some newly-developed, adolescents-targeted vaccines such as human papillomavirus vaccines are available nowadays. Adolescence is a perfect timing for HPV vaccines as they will soon grow into their sexually active ages. HPV vaccines have been proved to prevent HPV infections and certain urogenital cancers including cervical cancer. Second, some adolescents are about to lose immunity conferred by vaccinations they have received in their childhood. Pertussis, HBV, JE vaccines are among vaccines in this category. Third, some vaccines like HAV and varicella vaccines were not commonly used in earlier years and adolescents were seldom vaccinated. They can be vaccinated with these vaccines before growing into their adulthood. Finally, adolescents play a pivotal role in influenza transmission. Annual influenza vaccinations for adolescents are important for them and their families. This article is to review the epidemiology and vaccination strategies for the above mentioned diseases and vaccines in adolescents.


adolescent vaccination


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