  • 期刊


E-Portfolio and Competency-Based Medical Education in an Interprofessional Team Meeting Curriculum




We designed and evaluated our interprofessional team meeting teaching curriculum based on the principle of a competency-based medical education. We established an electronic portfolio (e-portfolio) to facilitate the ability of the clinical preceptors and trainees to implement the proposed curriculum. We reported the results among different professionals other than physicians. We retrospectively collected the data from clinical preceptors and trainees who participated in the course of study established in the curriculum from January 2019 to December 2020. According to the internal medicine milestones issued by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, we selected eight subcompetencies essential for interprofessional practice in the assessment. This e-portfolio comprised six steps to be implemented. We surveyed the degree of participant satisfaction with this curriculum and the e-portfolio through questionnaires. We used milestones to assess the trainees' performance related to the subcompetencies. The difference in the completion rate of the teaching and learning records before and after the introduction of the e-portfolio were compared. With the exception of the user-friendly interface of the e-portfolio, our users were satisfied with the other surveys in the system, where the Likert 5-point scale values all exceeded 4. The e-portfolio significantly improved the completion rate of briefing and debriefing records, as well as the completion rate for the pre-testing and post-testing data. The overall completion rate increased from 3.8% to 92.3%. The trainees' satisfaction with our curriculum exceeded scores of 4 on the Likert 5-point scale. Our trainees made significant progress after participating in the proposed curriculum, where the mean levels of the 8 subcompetencies ranged between 3.5 and 4.0. Applying milestones to assess the interprofessional practice competencies demonstrated that our trainees made significant progress after exposure to the interprofessional team meeting teaching curriculum. The use of the e-portfolio facilitated its implementation. Our strategy for this curriculum had a significant impact on interprofessional education.


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