  • 期刊


The Professional Development and Work Difficulties of Public Kindergarten Directors in Taiwan


為了建立研究公立幼稚園園長的基本資料,本研究以一年的時間,在我國教育部所登記的全國一千二百八十八所公立幼稚園選取四百二十六所幼稚園,針對其幼教主要行政工作者進行調查,以瞭解幫助公幼園長完成行政管理工作的專業能力來源及所遭遇的困難為何。另外,並希望瞭解除了園長個人的因素,如年齡、學歷、幼教行政年資、其他行政工作年資等因素外,是否外在環境因素如幼稚園規模、公幼類型、兼任園長者、行政者產生方式、及教學負擔如兼全日班或半日班班級等因素對於園長的專業能力來源與工作困境有否顯著差別。 本研究主要以專家焦點團體座談及郵寄問卷的調查方法進行資料蒐集。實際郵寄對象為全國二十五個縣市以三分之ㄧ比例所抽出的四百二十六所公立幼稚園園長或其主要幼教行政工作者。問卷採用「公立幼稚園園長工作職責與角色調查問卷」,本報告以其中之「園長行政專業能力來源」、及「園長遭遇的困境」等二部份所蒐集的資料為分析的基礎。蒐集的資料主要採用以下幾種統計方式分析:一、描述性統計,如次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差等;二、卡方百分比同質性考驗法;三、肯德爾和諧相關係數。 研究結果有以下幾點發現: 一、幼教行政人員最主要的行政專業能力來源是靠做中學。 二、服務於不同公幼類型或不同的行政產生方式的幼稚園園長,對於專業能力來源排序有顯著差異。 三、幼教行政人員所遭遇的工作困境包含定位問題、角色期望、工作環境與轉業能力等 四、以個人因素而言,園長年紀大行政資歷多,則遭遇的困境較少;以環境因素而言,服務於專設幼稚園、規模大於一班的附幼、園長非由教師兼任、或園長由校長遴選的附幼,則工作困境相對減少。 五、附設幼稚園在其附設學校中的行政隸屬關係各差異極大。 本研究根據結果,對實務工作者、對教育主管機關與師資培育機關共提出專業能力培養、建立制度、修訂法令、以及對於未來研究者提出研究修正與相關議題的十點的建議。


There are two main purposes in this paper. One is to explore the work difficulties in public kindergarten setting for a director to fulfill her/his work responsibilities. The other is to find the resources that the public kindergarten director acquires her/his administrative abilities. Formal interviews, a focus group and questionnaires were used as the major research methods to collect ethnographic data and statistical data on the perceptions of program director’s working difficulties. The questionnaires were also used to collect the ratings of the helpfulness to the learning resources for the director’s role playing. There are five findings reported in this paper. 1. The major resource that a public kindergarten director used to develop her/his administrative abilities is by doing it. 2. There are significant differences of ratings in working difficulties between different program types and different ways of administrator recruiting. 3. The working difficulties in public kindergarten director’s role include four major categories: role expectation, professional ability, working environment, and legal status. 4. For personal factors, the older the public director is, the less working difficulties he/she would encounter. For environmental factors, there are four groups that would encounter less working difficulties: center-based program directors, directors of bigger affiliated kindergarten program, program directors selected by the principals or program directors who are the principals. 5. There are many differences among the affiliated kindergarten of their legal status in each elementary school.


Billman, J.(1995).Child care program directors: What skills do they need? Results of a statewide survey.Early Childhood Education Journal.23(2),63-69.


