  • 期刊


The Population and Social Culture Phenomenon during the Period of Louis XIV


十七世紀法國國王路易十四(Louis XIV, 1638-1715),亦稱太陽王(Le Roi-Soleil),在其父路易十三崩世後,繼承王位銳意興革,使法國成為歐洲最強大之君主專制王權國家(Monarchie)及藝術文化中心-以巴洛克式(Baroque)建築-凡爾賽宮(Versailles)為代表。文學戲劇方面,詩人拉辛(Racine, 1639-1699)、喜劇代表莫里哀(Molière, 1622-1673)等之出現,則以文學產物著名。在其政治力量運作下,一六六三年經濟改革運用寇樂伯(Jean-Baptiste Colbert, 1669~1682)之重商政策,使得法國成為當時領導歐洲國家之主要標的。 本文,將探討當時之社會現象,包括其政權「朕即國家」(Louis XIV: ”L'état, c'est moi”)之君權神授觀念、與宗教政治、文化上所展現的人文現象、建築影響,與當時凡爾賽宮中所流行之文化;如服裝雜誌的出現、宮中休閒娛樂與貴族家庭生活方式的改變等。另將針對法國人口與婚姻家庭的部分做進一步探究;如當代之歷史人口數字(Démographie Historique)、人口分佈、及封建王室下之貴族人口政策等。


In the 17th century, Louis XIV, (1638-1715), a.k.a. the Sun King ( Le Roi-Soleil), inherited the absolute monarchial power (Monarchie), after his father Louis XIIV's death, and turned France into the most powerful European country. Moreover he made France into a leading class cultural center. The most famous represented Baroque Building as the Versailles Palace. Jean Racine (1639-1699), Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Molièr (1622-1673), all have been influenced by the absolute thinking. In 1663, Colbert, made France a leader of Europe at that time with his political and economical policies. In this article, we will discuss this political power and the social phenomenon, including the famous sentence from Louis XIV: ” L'état, c'est moi ”. How did the monarchial power influence France? How were the buildings affected? How did the Versailles Palace culture, and the Clothing Faison, the Royal leisure, the entertainment culture influence their people? How did the aristocratic family life and marriage style (Mariage et la famille française) affect other classes in society? In addition, this article will also discuss the French population (Démographie Historique) and the family structure, including the different demographic distribution in the city and the country, especially, the aristocratic family policy under the feudal royal system.


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