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The Association between Pathological Internet Use and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Suicide Ideation, or Substance Uses among New Soldiers in Taiwan



Background: Growing evidence in the literature has indicated the links between pathological Internet use (PIU) and some psychopathology, e.g., attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), suicidality, or other substance uses in community. This study was intended to reconfirm the same finding in military population in terms of military suicide prevention. Methods: Totally 1,220 new soldiers participated and completed copies of self-report questionnaire including demographic data, the Adult Self-Report Scale Inventory-4-Chinese version (ASRI-4), and Chinese version Young Diagnostic Questionnaire (YDQ) for PIU. Results: According to Bread and Wolf’s criteria of PIU for YDQ, about 7.5% of our samples were PIU (the PIU group) and showed no significant difference in age and education levels from the rests (the control group). Comparing with control group, IPU group showed significantly displayed higher mean scores of BSRS-5, ADHD symptoms and significantly higher risk of past ADHD history, suicide ideation (all p < 0.001) and uses of hypnotics and betel nut (both p < 0.05). After controlling mutual influences between those variables, only two of them, namely, suicide ideation, past history of ADHD, remained significantly different (both p < 0.001). Conclusion: In line with existing literature, this study reconfirmed the strong association between PIU and ADHD as well as suicide ideation. Only the associations between PIU and hypnotics and betel nut were found, and these association were affected by ADHD and suicide ideation among our military samples. Our findings reconfirm the links between PIU and ADHD and/or suicide ideation among new soldiers and provide insight of possible mediation mechanism between PIU and hypnotics use.


目的:網路過度使用(Pathological Internet use, PIU)長久來已被認為與自殺意念、注意力不足過動症及物質濫用有關。然而針對軍人族群,不同物質濫用之中介效果差異為何,則尚未有文獻比較。方法:本研究收集1,222名新訓中心新兵,並取得同意書後完成自填問卷。填答內含包括Young's網路成癮量表 (YDQ)、簡易健康BSRS-5量表、SNAP-IV過動量表及成人自填健康量表(ASRI-4)。結果:根據Beard & Wolf所建議PIU之YDQ診斷切分點,PIU組約佔所有樣本之7.53%且與對照組無顯著年齡及教育程度差別。雖然PIU組在個別變項比較時,均較對照組有明顯的較高的BSRS總分、自殺意念比率、過動症過去史、注意力不足、過動/衝動症狀、對立反抗症狀(p < 0.001)及使用安藥物及檳榔(p < 0.05)。但在排除彼此相互作用後,自殺意念及過動症狀仍有顯著相關(p < 0.001)。在使用YDQ總分為依變項之分析結果大致與上述相同且相關更為明顯(p < 0.001)。討論:本研究呼應其他相關研究結果,確定PIU與過動症狀、自殺意念之間有顯著相關。但本研究之發現在軍中族群,除鎮定安眠劑外,其他物質使用與PIU相關不顯著,且鎮定安眠劑與PIU相關可以解釋為過動症及自殺意念之中介效果,顯示對於軍中網路過度使用族群,應注意其自殺意念、過去注意力過動症史,尤其同時有使用鎮定安眠藥物者。


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