  • 期刊


Shared Knowledge in a Cross-Disciplinary Project Team: A Case Study




This case study investigated the process through which a cross-disciplinary team developed their shared knowledge. Although team shared knowledge has been considered critical to a team's success, few studies have investigated the process through which knowledge is shared by team members. Therefore, in this study, members of a project team comprising engineers and artists were interviewed to understand how such experts from dissimilar domains developed shared knowledge during the 22-month project. Through qualitative data analysis, this study revealed two findings. First, an idea becomes part of shared knowledge through a process where it is first a theme of discussion and subsequently the premise of discussion; it is represented in team-specific jargon. Moreover, shared knowledge in teams has a layered structure comprising a core, intermediate layer, and periphery. Those layers are developed sequentially among members with different stability levels along with team tenure. This sequentially formed structure also sheds some light on how taskwork knowledge helps developing teamwork knowledge. At the end of this paper, theoretical and practical implications are discussed.


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