  • 期刊


Discussion on the Purchase Intention with Perceived Value, Electronic Word-of-Mouth: Take the PC peripherals for E-sports gaming as an Example




In recent years, the video game industry has risen rapidly. Especially since the global outbreak of the pandemic Covid-19 in 2020, the PC peripherals of the electronic sports (eSport) level have attracted more attention and supported the entire gaming industry. However, most of the research mainly focuses on developing the eSports game industry and the specifications and appearance design of eSports peripheral products, which are not the only source of competitive advantage for manufacturers. Therefore, this study is implemented in the context of PC peripherals for esports gaming, integrating perceived value, electronic word-of-mouth, exploring purchase intentions through satisfaction and attitude, and using Structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze and verify the hypotheses. The research findings support the hypotheses of emotion, economy, quality in perceived value, online word of mouth, attitude, and satisfaction but do not support social value in perceived value. This study suggests that business operators should combine the three values of emotion, economy, and quality to trigger the behavior intention of consumers to formulate a more accurate product positioning and differentiated marketing strategy.


Perceived value eWom Purchase intention Attitude Satisfaction eSport


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