  • 期刊


Evaluation of the Effect of Basic Oxygen Furnace Slag Converter Stone on the Growth of Plants-A Basic Mode Field Reclamation Study


本研究旨在以大型塑膠桶模擬及評析轉爐石回填土石坑對淺根植物生長之影響。研究共設置兩個試驗組,包括轉爐石處理組及對照組,植物則分為食用與非食用作物。本研究之工作項目包含試驗物料性質分析與淺根系植物生長影響試驗。試驗物料性質分析結果指出,轉爐石之pH在12.4以下,重金屬含量以鉻之540 mg/kg最高,鋅、鎳、銅皆低於13.2 mg/kg,鉛、鎘則皆未檢出。土壤pH值皆屬於微鹼性(8.03 ± 0.29),作物應可適應;有機質含量介於0.66%~0.91%,而混入有機堆肥之砂土的有機質含量則為2.32%,陽離子交換容量(cation exchangeable capacity, CEC)值則介於5.3~12.1 cmol(+)/kg。淺根系植物的生育調查(株高及收成植株之鮮重與乾重),生理試驗(光合作用率及葉綠素螢光Fv/Fm值)及重金屬測值結果顯示,絕大多數作物的處理組與對照組間並無統計上之顯著差異。顯示各類植物在不同試驗組的生長情形皆正常,淺根系植體之重金屬分析結果顯示,試驗作物之鎘與鉛含量亦合於標準。亦即在此試驗期間與條件下,轉爐石之鹼性物質與重金屬並未對試驗植物產生顯著之影響。


轉爐石 模場試驗 重金屬


The study aims to simulate and evaluate the effect of backfill converter stone on the growth of shallow-rooted plants in a large plastic bucket. Two treatments including the converter stone treatment and the control were set up and the plant species for edible and non-edible cropswere tested. The work in this study was to analyze the properties of converter stone, and to examine the impact on the growth of shallow rooted plant. The results of converter stone analysis indicated that the pH of converter stone was below 12.4. The heavy metal content of converter rock was the highest with chromium of 540 mg/kg, zinc, nickel and copper were lower than 13.2 mg/kg, and lead and cadmium were not detectable (Cd < 0.074, Pb < 0.123 mg/kg). Soil organic matter content was 0.66% to 0.91%, and the organic matter content of sandy soil mixed with compost was 2.32% t. The value of CEC was in accordance with the requirement of sandy soil and leveled from 5.3 to 12.1 cmol(+)/kg. The For the shallow roots experimental plant's growth evaluation including plant height, yield of fresh, dry weight of the plant, and also, the physiological tests of rate of photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence Fv/Fm value, the vast majority of experimental and control group plants had no statistically significant difference between them, which revealed that the growth of plants in different test groups are normal. The heavy metal analysis of the shallow root experimental plants showed that the cadmium and lead content of the tested plants were also in line with the environmental guideline. This indicated that converter stone alkaline substances and heavy metal does not significantly impact on the plant.
