  • 期刊

The Prevalence of Four Common Pathomechanical Foot Deformities in Primary School Students in Taichung County



背景/目的 本研究目的在評估台中縣國小學童四種常見足部功能障礙,包括扁平足,高弓足,足後跟外翻和拇趾外翻等之盛行率。同時探討此四種足部功能障礙和男女性別在不同年級間的相關性。 方法 對台中縣18,006名國小學童(8883位男孩,9123位女孩)進行全面足部篩檢。利用足底壓力分析儀評估足弓狀態,拇趾外翻角度和足後跟外翻角度。針對篩檢結果利用對應分析來探討足部功能障礙盛行率和男女性別及不同年級間的相關性。 結果 扁平足、高弓足、足後跟外翻和拇趾外翻之盛行率分別爲13.88%、1.32%、3.33%和1.40%。描述性分析發現扁平足常見於男孩,高弓足常見於女孩,年齡爲主要預測因子。扁平足和足後跟外翻比較常見於男孩和年紀較小的女孩,而拇趾外翻則比較常見於年紀較大的女孩。 結論 本研究首度針對中國人族群進行扁平足,高弓足,足後跟外翻和拇趾外翻等盛行率之篩檢。研究發現扁平足和足後跟外翻有明顯相關,同時建議針對國小學童的常見足部功能障礙進行規律追蹤,可以避免發生骨骼肌肉問題相關的足部變形發生。


Background/Purpose. To investigate the overall prevalence of four common pathomechanical foot deformities, including flexible flatfoot, high-arch foot, hindfoot valgus and hallux valgus in primary school students in Taichung County and to determine the prevalence of these foot deformities in boys and girls in different primary school grades. Methods. We enrolled 18, 006 students (8883 boys and 9123 girls) from 14 primary schools in Taichung County. The arch index, hallux valgus angle, and hindfoot valgus angle in all students were obtained by footprint analysis. Grade-and sex-specific prevalence rates were calculated for each foot deformity. Using correspondence analysis, we constructed a mapping-based relationship between foot deformities, age, and sex. Results. The overall prevalence rates were 13.88% for flexible flatfoot, 1.32% for high-arch foot, 3.33% for hindfoot valgus and 1.40% for hallux valgus. Descriptive analysis indicated that flexible flatfoot was more common among boys in all grades and that high-arch foot was more common among girls in grades 5 and 6. We identified age as the primary predictive factor for all of the common foot deformities. Flexible flatfoot and hindfoot valgus were more frequent in boys and young girls. Hallux valgus was most common among older girls. Conclusion. This is the first study to determine the prevalence of flexible flatfoot, high-arch foot, hindfoot valgus and hallux valgus in a Chinese population. We found a strong association between flexible flatfoot and hindfoot valgus. Primary-school students with common pathomechanical foot deformities should be followed up on a regular basis to reduce the prevalence of foot deformity-related musculoskeletal problems.


