  • 期刊


Accompanying Heroes: A Teacher's Reflection on the Practice of Self-regulated Learning Orientation Courses




The "Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education" is based on the "spontaneity", "interaction", and "common good". It emphasizes that students are the spontaneous learners. The "autonomous learning" emphasized in all educational levels guides the schools to reflect on the significance of learning and potentiality for development and practice of school curricula. The purpose of this study is to reflect and explore three dimensions: the meaning of self-regulated learning, the role of teacher as a self-regulated learning instructor, companion and learner, and the suggestions of implementing autonomous learning for school practice. Two alternative schools participated in the present study. The research methods included reflection studies, document analysis, interviews, participatory observation. Firstly, the implication of the viewpoint of self-regulated learning was explored. The project-based learning courses can be the foundation of self-regulated learning. Secondly, the structure of the teachers and schools, culture and curriculum teaching were the essential elements to implement autonomous learning. Finally, the picture of teachers needs to be changed when the teachers are the guides or the companions of autonomous learners.


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自主學習促進會(無日期)。台北市自主學習實驗計畫-學生自主學程規劃。取自 http://www.alearn.org.tw/alearn_schools/st_alearn_paln/index.htm
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