  • 期刊

德國國家實驗教育機構介紹與評析-以畢勒菲爾德「實驗室學校」(Laborschule Bielefeld)為例

Introduction and Analysis of German National Experimental Education Institution-Take Bielefeld's "Laborschule" as an Example


台灣在2014年完成「實驗教育三法」,讓公立學校具有更多彈性和空間導入實驗教育。在這樣的趨向下,國家作為政策的推動者,更應在教育試驗上帶動風潮,以更具說服力的實驗成果引領教育的改革。位於畢勒菲爾德的「實驗室學校」是德國歷史悠久的國家實驗學校機構。其創辦人Hartmut von Hentig是畢勒菲爾德大學教育系的教授,此學校之設計也因此與其教育思想息息相關。本研究一方面介紹Hentig的生平著作,以及其對於當時社會的批判與教育思考;另一方面則詳述該校的實際運作與規劃,並分析其特色。最後則從其理念價值的當代性與實踐性,以及其辦學成果的公信力加以評析。


In Taiwan "Three-type acts of experimental education" was passed in 2014, allowing public schools to have more flexibility and space to introduce experimental education. Under such a trend, the state should lead the reform of education with more basic and convincing experimental results. The "Laborschule" in Bielefeld is a national experimental school institution. Its founder, Hartmut von Hentig, was a professor at the Department of Education at the University of Bielefeld. Therefor this research, on the one hand, introduces Hentig's life, works, as well as his critical and educational thinking on the society; on the other hand, it describe the school in detail, and analyzes its characteristics. Finally, it comprehensively evaluates and analyzes the contemporaneity and practicality of its concept value, as well as the credibility of the school's achievements.


張淑媚(2014)。評析德國改革教育學者 H. Lietz 鄉村教育之家的理念與實踐。教育研究集刊,60(2),115-137。
Achterhold, G. (2016). Labore für die Schule der Zukunft. https://www.goethe.de/de/kul/wis/20835351.html
Basgier, A. (2015). Die Laborschule Bielefeld. Kurzporträt, Absolventenstudie und pädagogische Realität. GRIN Verlag.
