  • 期刊


Analyzing the Causes of Trump's Challenges to Global Trading Regime from the Perspective of International Regime




By upholding "America First," Trump adopted economic nationalism in trade, while utilizing tariffs to compel trading partners to negotiate trade deals and disparaging the WTO and undermining its functions. These acts posed the most critical challenges to the global trading regime since World War Two. Using the lenses of international regime perspective under neoliberal institutionalism, this essay argues that the dysfunctions of the WTO, the relative decline of US power, and US domestic factors have led the US to no longer to support this global trading system. This essay adopts a qualitative approach to investigate the causes of Trump's challenges to the global trading regime.


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Gilpin, Robert, 1981. War and Change in World Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gowa, Joanne S., 1983. Closing the Gold Window: Domestic Politics and the End of Bretton Woods. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
