  • 期刊


Benefit of Building Pingtung as a Professional Baseball Spring Training City: A SWOT Analysis


職業運動春訓季可帶來相當的經濟、觀光與社區發展等正面效應。屏東四季如春、氣候宜人、觀光資源 豐富,是發展運動春訓基地優良地點,尤其是相較於日韓這些高緯度的國家更是一大優勢。本文藉由文獻回顧與SWOT分析來探討建置屏東成為職棒春訓城之發展策略。研究結果顯示:相較於美、日的春訓基地,屏東在氣候與物價水準此二因素上占有絕對優勢,但在完整之春訓棒球設施與住宿方面則是處於相當的劣勢,同時要面對大陸與東南亞國家類似基地建置的威脅。臺灣的中央與地方政府在整合屏東資源與對外行銷扮演了重要的角色。基於永續發展,本文更進一步建議三個地方為屏東適合發展春訓基地之地點,讓春訓基地不只是一個點,而是一個區域。


經濟 觀光 社區發展


Spring training for professional baseball teams can bring considerable positive effects to a local economy, including increased tourism and community development. The great weather conditions and tourism resources in Pingtung provide an ideal environment for spring training, particularly in comparison with conditions in countries located at high latitude, such as Korea and Japan. This article examined Pingtung's current conditions for developing a spring training city to provide strategies for future development. We reviewed related literature and employed SWOT analysis to examine the pros and cons of Pingtung becoming a spring training city. Compared to the spring training cities in the United States and Japan, Pingtung obviously possesses a better climate and lower living costs. However, lack of comprehensive training facilities and accommodations are disadvantages for Pingtung. Meanwhile, Pingtung faces competition from China and some countries in South-East Asia, as these also aim to establish spring training cities in their countries. This article concludes that the central and local governments play crucial roles in promoting Pingtung as an ideal city for spring training and in integrating resources to make Pingtung become an ideal city. In the end, three possible locations, instead of a single spot, at Pingtung are proposed as ideal places for spring training.


economy tourism community development


吳政紘(2014, December 15)。中職4 隊練兵最愛屏東。中國時報。資料引自http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20141215000687-260111[Wu, C.-H. (2014, December 15). Pingtung as the most favorite training place for the 4 teams of Chinese Professional Baseball League. Chinatimes. Retrieved from http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20141215000687-260111 (in Chinese)]
屏東縣政府(2015)。根尋屏東─氣候條件。資料引自http://www.pthg.gov.tw/cp.aspx?n=F15824EB283C7918&s=AE54BEFDACBDC2F5[Pingtung County Government. (2015). Searching the root of Pingtung -- Climate. Retried from http://www.pthg.gov.tw/cp.aspx?n=F15824EB283C7918&s=AE54BEFDACBDC2F5 (in Chinese)]
