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Impact of Social Support on the Experience of People With Physical Disabilities Participating in Sports Groups




The purpose of this study is to understand the mutual impact between the experience of participation in sports groups and social support of people with physical disabilities by using in-depth interview. The results show that: 1. Good experience in sports groups encourages people with physical disabilities to participate in sports groups; 2. Their social support network can provide complete social support; 3. Participating in sports groups can promote the development of social support, but the instrumental support which families offer is irreplaceable. This study concludes that participating in sports groups provides people with physical disabilities with ample opportunities for interaction. Therefore, they could expand their social support network, and find appropriate relationships. The suggestions are as follows: 1. People with disabilities and their families should participate in sports groups; 2. Sports groups should increase the opportunities for members to interact. They also can cooperate with communities and medical institutions to increase exposure; 3. The government should support multiple sports groups, and build community sports centers.


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