  • 期刊


Caring Experience for a Patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease




Advancements in medical treatments have contributed to the problem of aging population as years goes by. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) ranks seventh among the top ten causes of death, with a mortality rate of 12.7%. This article describes a patient who experienced coughing and breathing difficulties, and has to seek medical treatments frequently for acute COPD attacks in the last five years. During hospitalization period, the patient required high-concentration oxygen treatment for dyspnea and faced the possibility of intubation and mechanical ventilation if his condition deteriorated further. As a result, he became anxious about his condition and seriously affected his daily routine, which in turn prompt the author's motivation to in-depth discussion. This situation served as the author's motivation for conducting an in-depth discussion of the patient. During the nursing period from June 8 to June 19, 2020, data were collected using Gordon's Eleventh Functional Health Patterns as a framework; data was collected through direct care, observations, interviews, and physical assessments. It was found that the patient encounters three nursing-related health problems, these include inefficient breathing pattern related to insufficient ventilation while acute attack; activity intolerance related to unbalanced oxygen supply; and anxiety related to concerns regarding the possibility of disease being life-threatening. During nursing period, the patient and his family members were invited to participate in his treatment plan, during which they were taught the importance of lung rehabilitation and medication compliance; a breath training and nutrition monitoring plan was implemented; promote the improvement of the patient's respiratory muscle endurance; and the patient was encouraged to express his inner feelings. These measures helped to alleviate the patient's disease-induced anxiety, effectively reduced his frequency of hospital admission, and enhanced his quality of life. It is hoped that this nursing experience sharing can serve as a reference for clinical nursing staff when taking care of similar cases.


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