  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Caring for a Patient with Alveolar Proteinosis




This article describes a middle-aged man admitted to the hospital for asthma and was diagnosed with alveolar proteinosis, who required immediate alveolar lavage to relieve discomfort. The nursing period is from January 9 to January 17, 2018. The author collects data through physical assessment, medical records research, observation, listening, and interviews; and conducts holistic nursing assessments in terms of physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects. Hence establishes the patient encounters health issues such as impaired gas exchange, activity intolerance, and anxiety. The author provides breathing training and teaches labor-saving activities before the operation to ease symptoms of physical discomfort, and offers listening and caring to encourage patient to express his anxiety. Postoperative breathing training and exercise plans are conducted continuously afterwards. Before discharge, individualized care education for the patient regarding disease prevention and the importance of returning to the clinic regularly, so the patient can receive treatment smoothly, relieve symptoms and anxiety, and hence was able to leave the hospital without respiratory support. Due to lung dysfunction and rare alveolar lavage, patients often feel life-threatening and anxious. The maintenance of respiratory function is the first priority in nursing care and early intervention in lung rehabilitation training. Secondly, focus is on the patients, try to reduce their anxiety, and encourage patients to actively participate in self-care and exercise programs in order to improve effectiveness of the treatment. It is hoped that from this nursing experience, nursing staff will have a more complete reference for care planning and implementation content when caring for patients with this type of disease in the future, to further improve the quality of nursing care.


alveolar proteinosis alveolar lavage anxiety


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