  • 期刊


Emergency Nursing Experience of Caring for a Severely Traumatized Middle-aged Man Using Watson Care Theory




This article describes the nursing experience of a middle-aged patient with severe injury caused by an industrial accident and possible post-traumatic paralysis in the emergency room. The nursing period was from 09:30 to 15:45 on December 30, 2017. Severe trauma cases are often haemodynamically unstable and require immediate intervention and intensive care to revive. In addition to the maintenance at the physical level, the image of the patient crashing and crying in the emergency room shocked the author. Introspection about medical staff often pays more attention to physical diseases and ignores psychological requirements that led the author to choose this case for in-depth care. Data were collected through physical assessment, actual care, interviews, observation, listening, and reviewing medical history and so on. Hence established health problems during the emergency period include pain, decision conflict and hopelessness. The author uses Watson's nursing theory to work with the medical team to establish a therapeutic relationship through active care. In addition to stabilizing vital signs, the author teaches deep breathing, uses methods such as music and stroking to divert attention to ease pain. When the client faces a major surgery and encounters decision conflict, provide information about the surgery, accompany and encourage the client to express positive and negative feelings; when the case come across negative emotions, communicate with the case persistently, and review the important life events together with the case, and finally lead the case to let go of his guard, receive care and health education, and guide the case to accept surgery and follow-up treatment with a positive attitude. Based on sharing this experience, it is recommended that in emergency care of severely traumatized patients, in addition to maintaining their vital signs, medical staff can also listen to the patient's voice in a timely manner to help them face the psychological issues and challenges caused by the disease.


Watson care theory severe trauma emergency


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