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The Life-Narrative of Self-Transcendence as the Monks


本研究旨在探討兩位佛門僧侶自我超越之生命敘說,運用敘事研究法「整體內容」進行文本資料分析,撰寫生命故事,並從東方大我及佛家因緣觀點,細究自我超越的內涵與歷程。 僧侶由於生命經驗的豐厚,開展與接納不同面向的自我;打開自我界限,在觀照經驗的同時放下自我意識與執著;以因緣觀照、佛法不離世間法的角度思惟人事物,用逆增上緣的觀點詮釋負向經驗;自我的獨立與相依面向在自利利他的行持中具體展現,重視佛法在生活中的實踐應用;對生命價值,從困惑、省思,在佛法中找到依歸,進而發揮生命能量。 自我超越兼具水平生活向度的開展及垂直時間軸線的貫穿,謙卑敬謹地聆聽因緣的啟示,並以解門思惟及行門修持來實踐自我,發願生生世世行菩薩道、度化眾生,呈現不停滯的流轉狀態。研究者根據上述發現,對諮商實務工作與未來研究提出具體建議。


僧侶 自我超越 生命敘說


The purpose of this study aims to understand the life narrative of self-transcendence as the monks. The researchers have interviewed two monks from different temples and have analyzed the data by the method of holistic-content perspective of narrative research. The researchers have written life stories and discussed the content and process of the self-transcendence. The findings and significances are as following: The monks have developed and accepted different aspects of self based on affluent life experiences. They open self-boundaries and give up self-persistence through meditating experiences. They interpret negative experiences as testing in adverse circumstances. The practice of self-benefit and other-benefit presents the independence and dependence of self. They focus on the Buddhist dharma practice and its applications in life. It is from those puzzles to the contemplation and from Buddhist dharma, they find the sanctuary and value of life. The process of self-transcendence includes both the self-actualization in space and self-improvement in time. Because of the deep faith to the dharma and the principle of cause and effect, they believe that the dharma has its essentiality and meaningfulness to life. It is this self-identity that gives the great vow and the deep faith as a monk in countless life that is carrying out the missions to liberate the sentient being, to act as a bodhisattva and to become a Buddha. Based on the results of the study, the researchers provide concrete suggestions for counselors and related researchers on future studies.


Monk self-transcendence life-narrative


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