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Comparing the Development of Taiwan and American Clinical Psychology


本文透過台灣臨床心理學與美國臨床心理學之發展史比較,嘗試指陳出一個論點:「心理學的知識是臨床心理學發展的基礎」。如同Woody與Robertson (1988)所言,在1960年代,美國臨床心理學的發展有兩大突破,一為證照合法化,另一為臨床心理品質的養成與考核。台灣的臨床心理證照已合法化,但對於品質的養成與考核,則有待加強。如果台灣的臨床心理不重視此課題,那會使臨床心理學的發展仍停留在藝術而非科學,而無法發揮專業性。要如此突破,台灣的臨床心理學應更著重科學訓練,如此才能提出實徵結果,說明其服務成效。


This paper wants through comparing the development of Taiwan clinical psychology and American clinical psychology, to show the point: ”The development of clinical psychology need to be based on psychological knowledge”. Woody and Robertson (1988) demonstrated the progression of American clinical psychology in 1960, relying on two parts, the first was the legitimating of license; the second was that the quality of clinical service and training was certificated. Although clinical psychologist have legitimated license in Taiwan, but the qualification of clinical training and service need to emphasize. If clinical psychologists do not concern this issue in Taiwan, then the development of Taiwan clinical psychology just stayed at the artistic level, not at scientific level. Taiwan's clinical psychologists are only generalized staff, not the specialized. This paper thinks Taiwan's clinical psychology need to break through this condition; it must emphasize the scientific training and utilize the scientific method to provide evidence-based practice and result.


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