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Authentic Movement: The Healing by Body Movement




Authentic Movement is a method of dance therapy. Its basic healing structure lies in the interaction between two characters, the mover and the witness. This interaction works on the plane of the body, helps producing body consciousness, and enacts the healing process. This article briefly reviews the development of authentic movement, and explains the practice of authentic movement using case studies. This article attempts to explore an aspect of treatment, namely, the meaning of the movement image and body context created by the interaction between the mover and the witness. Finally, the researcher suggests a quest for the ”inner psychic” With the concept of ”fiction production, ”this quest attempts to illustrate that the inner psychic of the mover is not the ”representation of the truth,” but the ”holding of the witness.” Thus, the mover is able to weave, create and connect his/her own body context, and work for his/her self by becoming a self-healer of the body and the mind.


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