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Public Civilization: A New View on the Study of Chinese Nationality


本文重在公共文明對於民族性創生的意義。公共文明涉及甚深,它為國人的民族性所潛伏又在實際表現中十分匱乏。這就不能不為寫作設定一種很歷史又很現實、很遙遠又很貼身的思考框架,在框架之內,不論怎樣的思考,皆在那個要思考的「事情」上,努力地盡力盡心「說事」本身,就是說,寫作上的「立足」之點也是「尊重」之點,是在「事情」本身。對待歷史上的「禮」、現實中的「文明」,儘量,站在歷史、站在現實,給予理解和解釋,還「事件」以「純潔」,還公共性以「純潔」,避免泛政治化。 本文小題目,單看是說一件事情,合看是民族性在「文明」中變遷,民族性將在「公共文明」的過程中得到進步和新生;文明的基本內容是一套規範下的有禮貌、有教養、有禮節等道德要求,但文明比道德要求更深刻地揭示出「人之為人」的高明之處,文明的核心是創造,因為創造才牽引著文明由某一程度移向更加文明的程度,本文還認為,「表達」和「訴諸」的能力是公共文明的重要特質,這兩個特質的重要性,導致本文把文明界定為公眾「一種表達和訴諸」的能力。


文明 公共空間 公眾 民族性創生


This paper attaches great importance to the effect of public civilization on Chinese nationality. Although the level of Chinese public civilization is very low, it is the nature of changes of Chinese nationality. So it is necessary for Chinese nationality researcher to set historical and realistic logic framework. Whatever the author thinks and writes is on the thing itself based on the logic framework. It is better to view ”LI” in classic works and public civilization behaviors in contemporary time only as themselves rather than as something else in the context of politics. The assistant title of this paper seems to be a paper only about one thing in the meaning of letter but a study on the transition of Chinese nationality in the process of civilization, that is to say, Chinese nationality will renew and make progress at the same time. The civilized man must act in some social mortal norms and requirements of etiquette such as being polite and educated. However, it demands more than the latter as well as signs the essential meaning as human beings. The core of civilization is innovation because creativity promotes the development of itself. Finally, the author definite the term ”public civilization” as the ability of ”express” and ”practice”, which also is its characteristics.


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