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Space, Symbol, Inheritance and Sublimation of Tian-Qiao Culture


本文借用美國學者高特第納(Mark Gottdiener)的「社會空間視角」(Gottdiener & Hutchison, 1994),以北京市天橋社區為例,闡述天橋社區的空間構建及其歷史變遷。天橋空間構建在歷史的區隔政策影響下,形成了以居住地為身份符號象徵的識別體系。天橋空間成為北京平民的空間,天橋居民擁有北京平民的身份符號。在天橋這個平民的實踐空間中產生了平民文化,塑造了平民的人格心理、及平民生活方式。伴隨天橋的時空變遷,天橋人扮演著重要的文化傳承與弘揚者角色。他們不僅將傳統平民文化中那種淳樸、真誠的助人、奉獻等精神與現代人友愛、奉獻、服務、參與等新公民精神有機地結合起來;而且還將傳統的互助空間從私人空間-鄰里,擴大到城市更大的公共空間-北京市。 他們不僅追求社會參與,在志願活動中實現自我價值,而且還擔當社會責任與義務。他們憑藉著對天橋文化的高度認同,在公共空間中爭取天橋文化發展、規劃的話語勸,開展天橋文化的反思,這種文化自覺、以及對社會責任與義務的擔當,體現出當代天橋平民文化內涵的昇華。


空間 符號 象徵 平民文化 文化傳承


Based on the ideas of ”Social Spatial Perspective” by Gottdiener, as an example of Tian-Qiao Region, this article are expatiating on their spatial-compose and their historical changes. Under the influence of historical separate police, the spatial-compose of Tian-Qiao became the identification of local civilian. The Spatial-compose of Tian-Qiao became the space of Beijing's civilian and the local people were also become the symbol of Beijing's civilian. Under this spatial-practice, the local-culture, psychology and their manner of living was formed. The local people are playing an important role to the culture inheritance and enrichment as the time passed. They are not only combine their honest, unsophiscate and dedication together with modern people friendship, consecration, serving and participated in but also extended these characters from their local to all the Beijing's city. They are not only pursuing their social participate and their self-worth during their activities but also undertaking the social responsibility and obligation. They are striving for the right of development and lay-out of Tian-Qiao culture based on their highly identify to their culture. They are also reconsidering their culture. Their cultural consciousness and their social responsibility and compulsory are also the sublimation of modern Tian-Qiao people.


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