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Developmental Processes of Problem-Based Learning in Parental Growth Groups for Parents with Autistic Children


本研究主要目的為應用「問題導向學習法」(problem-based learning,簡稱PBL)於自閉症兒童家長的成長團體之方案,以了解發展方案及家長參與團體之歷程。由一基金會招收48名自閉症兒童之家長參與本研究,團體進行的方式為將家長分成六組分別由六名資深特教教師帶領,引導家長學習科學化觀察、記錄及分析孩子的行為問題,並在小組中分享與討論。研究結果發現帶領團體的教師須學習扮演觀察者與傾聽者的角色,不立即給家長答案而是引導家長自己解決問題。家長歷經由不習慣要自己動手做、期待教師直接給答案、只單向和老師溝通,到能運用所學知識自己思考解決策略,還能給同儕回饋。大部分參與的家長表示增進了對孩子問題行為的了解並得到社會性支持。


The purpose of this study was to explore the development of parental growth groups for parents of children with autism by problem-based learning. A total of 48 parents of children with autism were recruited and paired into 6 parental growth groups led by 6 experienced special education teachers. The teachers tutored the parents to scientifically observe, analyze, and manage their children's behavioral issues. They shared and discussed during the monthly group meetings. The findings were as follows: 1) The teachers learnt to play the roles of observers and listeners in groups, and they tutored parents to think more about solving problems on their own rather than simply providing answers. 2) The parents in the growth groups grew from being insecure, showing dependence on answers provided by the leaders, and only communicating with teachers to independently utilizing skills that were taught and providing peer support. Most parents responded that they had both acquired practical skills and received psychosocial support from the groups.


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