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「場有」與「在場」-中醫身心轉化之機制-民間老中醫與Carl Rogers的對話

On "Field Being" and "Presence" as Body- Mind Transformation in Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Dialogue Between a Folk Traditional Chinese Medical Doctor and Carl Rogers


本文以絲綢之路上的一個鄉間老中醫為田野研究對象,描述了其治療的過程和個人發展中的關鍵事件,並依據其提到「中醫的神奇性」,深入文獻書海中探詢中醫療癒之機制。作為中醫的身心觀足以回應現代西方哲學所建立的「身心二元」,並發現「氣」在身心互動轉化(包括治療與修行)的重要作用。「氣」既是中國哲學中形而上的概念,又是形而下的基本物質,正是兼具二者之性質,故中國哲學的實踐性性格便有了更加具體的解釋和支持證據。在此基礎上,引入「場有哲學」中的「場有」(field being)概念來理解人作為一種兼具身心平衡、社會歷史關係與宇宙自然相通的存在,既有結構性,又具有動能性。有了這層理解,便容易理解現代心理治療中重要的「在場」(presence)概念,並與之對話。本文認為人的「場有」是「在場」的條件,唯有此,治療師和當事人才能夠真實「相遇」,並使得「療癒力」得以展現自身,即所謂「身心復元」,進而達到人的境界提升與發展。


身心 場有 在場 中醫


Based on the field study of a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) doctor from the Silk Road of China, this article discusses the mechanism of healing in TCM. In TCM, the Body-Mind dichotomy can be understood from a different perspective. "Qi," a very important role in both therapy and practice in Ancient China, is the basis of the concept of "field being." "Field being" can be understood as a way of human existence, one that naturally balances the body, the mind, social structures, historical connections, and the universe with the nature of structure and active energy. I argue that "field being" is a prerequisite of "presence" in psychotherapy. Only through field being can the therapist and client really "encounter" each other in mind and body, and only then can "mind-body recovery" and subsequent spiritual development become possible.


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