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The Practice Knowledge of Formation of labor Subject: Review of Research on Labor Movement from the Social Transformation Perspective




This paper explores the effect of practice knowledge on the formation of resistant subject of labor from the social transformation perspective. I purport that the writings by the organizers of labor movement in the 1990s were based on their personal experiences in field intervention actions aiming at developing alternative ways to identify the practice of ruling relations in everyday life. Such actions unraveled the subjects of resistance and generated further actions and knowledge in the context of modern oppression. The literature explored the origin and progress of the collective labor action, as well as the impact of the organizers' interventions. It is within this context of action, the interactions of the three roles as writer, organizer and action researcher in the process of generating practice knowledge is elucidated. Finally, I reflect on the relations among mainstream psychology, critical psychology and the social transformation approach. I conclude that the social spacing created by the joint actions of intervening actors and the oppressed has positive impact on the awakening and actions of the oppressed.


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