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The past, present, and future of the Rorschach Inkblot Test


羅夏克墨跡測驗(Rorschach Inkblot Test,簡稱RIT)自發明以來就始終是個備受爭議的人格測驗,這個現象直到美國心理學家John Exner創造了綜合系統(Comprehensive System,簡稱CS)以後才獲得改善。2006年Exner的家人在他逝世後繼承了CS版權,2009年他們決定保留CS現狀以紀念Exner對心理學的貢獻,但這個舉動讓該測驗系統的缺失再也無法被修正,也因此促成了「羅夏克測驗表現評估系統(Rorschach Performance Assessment System,簡稱R-PAS)」的問世。本文藉由文獻回顧和彙整的方式來說明RIT的起源與演變、R-PAS的核心特色、CS和R-PAS的差異比較,以及RIT的未來展望。有鑒於國際上探討R-PAS的研究日益增加,我國學界也應更重視這股在人格測驗領域裡興起的新勢力。


Since its inception, the Rorschach Inkblot Test (RIT) was viewed as a controversial personality test until John Exner, an American psychologist, developed the Comprehensive System (CS). After Exner's passing in 2006, his family assumed the CS copyright. In 2009, the Exner family decided to preserve the status quo of CS to honor Exner's contributions to psychology. However, this decision meant that the flaws of CS could no longer be rectified, which resulted in the creation of a new Rorschach system, the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS). The present literature review addresses the origin of the RIT, core features of the CS and the R-PAS, comparisons between the CS and the R-PAS, and possible future developments of the RIT. Given the growing international interest in the R-PAS, researchers in Taiwan should pay more attention to this rising force in the field of personality test.


Meyer, G. J. (2001). Introduction to the final special section in the special series on the utility of the Rorschach for clinical assessment. Psychological Assessment, 13(4), 419-422.
Meyer, G. J. (2016). Neuropsychological factors and Rorschach performance in children. Rorschachiana, 37(1), 7-27.
Meyer, G. J., & Archer, R. P. (2001). The hard science of Rorschach research: What do we know and where do we go. Psychological Assessment, 13(4), 486-502.
Meyer, G. J., & Eblin, J. J. (2012). An overview of the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS). Psychological Injury and Law, 5(2), 107-121.
Meyer, G. J., & Handler, L. (1997). The ability of the Rorschach to predict subsequent outcome: A meta-analysis of the Rorschach Progonostic Rating Scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, 69(1), 1-38.
