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Assessing the Patterns and Causes of Local Budget Changes: Incremental Budgeting Theory or Punctuated Equilibrium Theory?




Incremental budgeting theory and punctuated equilibrium theory (PET) are two of the predominant descriptive budgeting theories in the past half-century. Incremental budgeting suggests that budget-makers only make incremental changes to the existing budget because of their bounded rationality and political reality. PET also follows the concept of bounded rationality but tries to capture both incremental changes and punctuations in one theory. In Taiwan, it is believed that governments usually make their budgets based on the previous year's budgets. Thus, government officials and researchers seldom pay attention to budget changes. Here, we analyze the budgets of Taiwanese local governments from 2001 to 2018. First, we discuss the patterns of budget changes in Taiwan. We examine the distribution plots of four types of budgets (total revenue, total expenditure, operating expenditure, and capital expenditure) to see if they follow incremental budgeting theory or PET. Second, we employ panel data analysis and construct four regression models (revenue changes, expenditure changes, and their absolute values) to examine the causes of budget changes. We find that fluctuations in operating expenditure follow the expectations of incremental budgeting theory, while fluctuations in total revenue, total expenditure, and capital expenditure meet the expectations of PET. In our regression models, we find that elections play an important role in affecting the magnitude of budget changes. For example, budget increases in the years after elections are significantly lower than those in election years. The magnitude of budget changes in the year before elections is greater than that in election years. We also find that the history of punctuation and revenue diversification are negatively related to budget changes. This research has significant policy implications, as governments should take those possible causes of budget changes into consideration to devise sound budget decisions and fiscal policies.


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