



In order to improve the traffic safety environment of schools, this study considered strategies and speed management technologies in school zones from developed countries and designed a dynamic speed limit sign with flash warning lights. This dynamic sign was implemented at three different roads in a school zone and was assessed for its impact and effectiveness. According to a comparative analysis of the average speeds of vehicles before and after implementation, the driving speed of vehicles decreased on both lanes after the implementation of the sign. For cars, the average speed decreased by 2.4-3.3 kilometers/hour and the 85-percentile speed decreased by 1.0-4.7 kilometers/hour. For motorcycles, the average speed decreased by 5.4-6.1 kilometers/hour and the 85-percentile speed decreased by 2.7-4.9 kilometers/hour. This study considered the MUTCD from the United States of America and Australia in recommending a revision in school zone traffic laws. By clarifying speed limits in school zones and regulating the locations where the dynamic signs are implemented. Different speed limits should be enforced during school times. It is recommended to revise regulations of the implementation of traffic devices about the signages of school zones, including school signs, speed limits, kids and pedestrian signs, as well as supplement signs. The proposed recommendation can provide a reference for further research and regulation amendments.


FHWA (Federal Highway Administration), Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD), 2012.
City of Chicago, Children's Safety Zone Program & Automated Speed Enforcement,website:https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cdot/supp_info/children_s_safetyzoneporgramautomaticspeedenforcement.html. Retrieved on 2019/8/1.
Queensland Transport and Main Roads, Evaluation of flashing school zone signs in Queensland, July 2014.
Webster, D. C. and Mackie, A. M. Review of traffic calming schemes in 20 mph zones, UK: TRL, 1996.
Gloucestershire County Council & Atkins, School Safety Zone Guidance, 2013,
