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The Transformations of Creative Thinking and Environment of Page-by-Page Comics and Scrolling Comics: From the Perspective of Comic Creators




逐頁漫畫 條狀漫畫 Webtoon


The webtoon is a new concept of webcomics that originated in South Korea. It uses the scrolling characteristic of mobile devices to generate its narrow and unlimited length of reading. It is designed to facilitate readers to browse comics while moving. It is suitable for fragmented reading and easy to browse and spread on online social platforms. The way of reading comics is no need to turn pages, just by swiping up and down on the screen. This type of comic in Taiwan is commonly referred to as "scrolling comics". With the help of large Korean companies and the government, the scrolling comics entered Taiwan and have been actively promoted. Therefore, Taiwan cartoonists have also joined this new type of webcomics. Due to scrolling comics being different from traditional page-by-page comics, the changes in the cartoonist's creative methods and thinking will need to be addressed. This study uses the qualitative research method, to interview ten cartoonists who have experience in creating both page-by-page and scrolling comics, their changes in creative thinking, composition, techniques, and the thoughts of confronting challenges. This research found that the story concept for creating page-by-page and scrolling comics are not much different, but they have changed in other parts; the comic environment has diversified development, cartoonists are no longer just creating comics but also with other businesses; reading comic books now are not a mainstream entertainment have influenced paper comics towards refined publishing.


Page-by-Page Comics Scrolling Comics Webtoon


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