  • 期刊


Distribution of Homeostatic Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance Index in Female Elite Athletes with Different Body Mass Index


醣類為運動的重要能源,而肥胖和胰島素阻抗性均影響身體對於醣類的吸收能力。大部分女性運動選手皆具正常血糖濃度,其不同身體質量指數是否可評估胰島素阻抗性的差異,目前仍未清楚。目的:為了解不同身體質量指數女性運動選手的胰島素阻抗性差異。方法:空腹血糖濃度達正常值範圍內,總計23項219名運動專長選手。所有受試者再依身體質量指數(BMI=體重公斤/身高公尺^2)分成三組:體重正常組(BMI<24, n=179)、體重過重組(BMI 24-27, n=18)和肥胖組(BMI>27, n=22)。結果:一、肥胖的女性運動選手空腹胰島素濃度顯著高於體重正常組(BMI<24: 8.1±0.4; BMI>27: 15.9±2.1, p<.05);二、體重正常組的胰島素阻抗性(HOMA-IR)為1.79±0.10、體重過重組為2.56±0.61及肥胖組為3.46±0.47,肥胖組顯著高於體重正常組(p<.05);三、空腹胰島素濃度和HOMA-IR皆與BMI呈現顯著相關(r=0.381 & 0.338, p<.05)。結論:正常空腹血糖的女性運動選手,體重過重與肥胖仍可造成胰島素阻抗性增高,應維持身體活動避免代謝適能的衰退。另外,因運動選手的空腹血糖值不易受訓練週期而改變,空腹胰島素濃度和HOMA-IR可有效作為運動提升代謝適能的指標。


Purpose: Carbohydrate is an important fuel for athletes, and both obesity and insulin resistance are affecting carbohydrate storage. This investigation was planned to demonstrate whether female elite athletes with overweight and obesity have different fasting insulin level and HOMA-IR. Methods: Total 219 subjects in 23-types of sport events were participated in this study. All the subjects with normal plasma glucose levels were matched for BMI and assigned into following three groups: normal (BMI < 24, n=179), overweight (BMI 24-27, n=18) and obesity (BMI>27, n=22). Results: We found that female elite athletes with obesity have significantly (p<.05) higher fasting insulin level and HOMA-IR than normal group. HOMA-IR in three groups of BMI was different in values, 1.79, 2.56, and 3.46 respectively. Both fasting insulin level and HOMA-IR was dramatically associated with BMI (r=0.381 & 0.338, p<.05). From this data it is concluded that female elite athletes with overweight and obesity have a higher value of HOMA-IR, and need to maintain regular exercise training for preventing the development of insulin resistance. In addition, both fasting insulin level and HOMA-IR are useful markers for exercise-improved metabolic fitness because blood glucose level may be stable by training programs.


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